Tuesday, September 20, 2011

LIB 110: Team Formation, Brainstorming Ideas


1. Students will be placed in video teams. They will exchange contact information if they don't have it already.
2. Students will give their video teams a production company name (vote or nomination within team).
3. Students will select a video project theme. They may refer to ideas from the professor or create their own or some combation of both.They will brainstorm it. They will imagine "pitching it" to the class and to the professor.
4. The students will begin assessing what they will need to do for their project, and how they can use the LIB 110 course hour. They will share any relevant skills they have with the team.
5. They will pitch their idea to the class.
6. We will discuss teamwork and evaluation of each other.

Video Ideas
Interview decision-makers around LaGuardia about food on campus (facilities, cafeteria)
Create news segment about food surrounding LaGuardia (food carts, diners, cafes)
Create news segment about LaGuardia students
Track and follow relevant student clubs (Food and nuitrition club, Environmental Club, etc)
Follow food back to its "source": discover where LaGuardia food comes from, transmit that to viewers
Create video from Fast Food Nation or other course text

Students will work in the following gender-balanced teams:

TEAM ONE: Christina, Gregory, Christopher, Carol
TEAM TWO: Krystalee, Danny K., Amanda, Javed
TEAM THREE: Anggie, Kadeshia, Jessica, Juan, Liz
TEAM FOUR: Nikhal, Lily, Glenn, Danny B., Audrey
TEAM FIVE: Camille, Jennifer, Jana, Evelyn, Dionne

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