Monday, November 14, 2011

Essay Three

Length: 2.5-3 pages

Peer Review: Tuesday Nov 22

Assignment Goal

For this essay, students will argue an answer to the following questions in a thesis statement: what does human and animal life mean to the CAFO system? How does this system organize life? Why does this organization of life matter? What are the consequences of this system for the health of life in general (humans, animals, ecosystems)?

Assignment Description

For this essay, students will focus on the effect of factory farms (CAFOs) on human, animal, and ecological systems. Students will gather material that directly connects to human health, animal health, and environmental health. They will create a thesis statement that organizes the overall effects of factory farms on living bodies into an argument about the CAFO system as manager of "life" systems (human life, animal life, ecological life). Students should gather their information from all course texts, with a focus on The CAFO reader and any new sources the professor introduces in the next few weeks (Unnatural Selection, The Eleventh Hour). Students should remember to approach the CAFO system as a human produced system, created by real individuals, and include any psychological and financial concepts about that system in their discussion.

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